Displays and Converters

Displays and Converters

ADS Technologies offers high-quality displays and converters designed for seamless data visualization and signal conversion. Our products ensure optimal performance, delivering precision and clarity across industrial and automation applications. Trust ADS Technologies for reliable and efficient solutions tailored to meet your needs.

Pulse counters

Acquisition of unit counts, quantities, and events. Electromechanical, electronic and pneumatic pulse counters.

Preset counters

Conveniently control pulses, times, and speeds. Electromechanical and electronic preset counters.

Hour meters / Timers

Acquisition of short-term measurements, run times, and service intervals. Electromechanical and electronic counters.

Time preset counters

Conveniently control pulses, times, and speeds. Electromechanical and electronic time preset counters.

Tachometers / frequency displays

Acquire, control, and monitor linear and rotational speeds and flow rates. Tachometer with and without limit values.

Position displays

Display, control, and monitor positions. Position readouts with or without limit values.

Multifunction devices

Conveniently display and control pulses, times, and speeds. Electromechanical and electronic counters.

Energy time counter

Parallel acquisition of energy and time, for example for leased equipment. MID-certified.